Good Sunday morning, everyone!!! I hope you've all enjoyed the NSD weekend!
At this time the game is CLOSED. We do have a potential winner!!! All the questions have been correctly answered including the bonus question!!! However, she/he has responded anonymously and until I can confirm the game participant is a follower (as subjuect to the rules), I will not reveal the bonus rak at this time and this is not considered a forml announcement. Confirmation will be pending until this requirement is established. I will be contacting the participant via email today to confirm, and I will let you all know.
The correct answers are:
- There is no score before the game, therefore, the answer is zero (0)
- Wrong is always pronounced wrong, no matter how you pronounce it.
- A hole was put in the barrel
- A "T" is the difference between here and there
- The day after Wednesday is Thursday (this is the question everyone had the problem with)
would have been accepted).
Again, I will be getting back to you as soon as the potential winner's status is confirmed. And, if this proves to not be the case, all current players will be given credit for their correct responses in the new game, and if this is necessary, I will provide detail at that time.
In the meantime, thank you all so much for playing with me. I hope you had fun and will return for more fun and games!
I'll be seeing you!
Hi, guys! I hope you've all been paying attention to my little warnings because it's now GAME time, and you've got to be present to win!!!
Now, as I recall, the last game, which was a version of "Hangman", was too simple and completed within minutes of it being posted, so I'm hoping to make this one a bit more of a challenge.
For this game, you'll have to be a follower, and respond by comment to this post only. The following are the quizz questions you must answer:
- How does Jerry always guess the score of his brother's soccer game befor the game begins?
- What 5-letter word, no matter how you pronounce it, is always pronounced wrong?
- A man takes a barrel that weighs 50 pounds and puts something in it. It now weighs less than 50 pounds. What did he put in the barrel?
- What's the difference between "here" and "there"?
- When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, today will be as far from Wednesday as today was from Wednesday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow. What is the day after this day?
- Bonus Question: What is a 5- letter word for a female demon?
Regarding the bonus question: If the first set of 5 questions are all answered correctly and include the correct answer to the bonus question, there will be a surprise rak included along with the album. This surprise rak will be announced once I have all the correct answers. The surprise rak will not be included with the album unless it is answered correctly along with correct answers to all five questions. In other words, if you answer the five (5) questions correctly, but miss the bonus question, you will only receive the album; or, if you answer the bonus question correctly, but miss any of the correct answers to the addition five (5) questions, you forfeit the album and surprise rak. The surprise rak bonus question must be answered correctly with all five questions also answered correctly.
If no one answers all five questions/bonus question correctly by the time designated, one question will be removed and replaced with another question, and another time designation given, then the game will continue as outlined above. This will continue until a set of five (5) questions have been answered correctly. If it is necessary for a game to be continued, another small rak will be added to the album. There will be a maximum of 3 games. If no one wins the rak by the end-time, the rak will go towards the next game time. So, get your thinking caps on!!!
Have fun (?)!!! LOL!!! GOOD LUCK!!!