Hello everyone! I am thrilled to have you visit with me and I hope you enjoy your stay. I absolutely love company, sharing, and making new friends so I hope you find something here that inspires, motivates, or just pleases you in some way.

Of course, I love to visit and be inspired also. So if I don't already drop in on you, please let me know where I can find you and I'll hop on over to see what you're doing or to just say "hi".

Before you go, I would love it if you'd please leave me a comment letting me know you dropped in! Actually, I'd just love to hear from you -- comments, opinions, or questions you'd like me to answer.

In the meantime, relax and make yourselves at home... you're family here!!!

I'll be seeing you!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Hello everyone, and welcome to the hop!  Thank you for joining me, and for a list of all the crafty participants you'll be visiting along the way please refer to the list on my sidebar located under the same label as above.  By clicking on the blog name you will be directly linked to that particular blog.

Before getting started, I'd like to wish a very special happy earth day/happy birthday to the host of this hop, Gaby.  Gaby, here's hoping your day is filled with all the merriment and wonderment you deserve!

As a special treat for joining us in this hop, Gaby is offering some special treats by her sponsors: Peachy Keen Stamps, Market Street Stamps, and Kich n' Bleus Digital Stamps.  She also has her own special goodie box she'll be offering -- you won't want to miss this, so make sure you don't miss her!!!

Now on to my project:

My project is more than likely entirely different than you expected; although it's totally in keeping with Earth Day as it's economical, recycable, pretty much all natural, and made with easy to find household items.

Okay, so I did recycle the bottle and made a matching tag; however, it's what's in the bottle that is actually my project for today, not the bottle or tag.  So what is it?  It's one of my own "secret" recipes for a rich and really creamy liquid hand/body soap I'll be sharing with you!  I think you'll like it, and it's easy!

This soap is economical in that it makes lots of  liquid soap!  Probably enough to fill about eight  8 oz. bottles or four to five 16 oz. bottles, maybe a bit more, so it'll last a long time and at a fraction of the cost of store-bought liquid soaps.  It's recycable because you can also substitue and use leftover scraps of soap you'd normally toss in the trash, but for this recipe I'm using a glycerin soap bar.  Oh, and it's great for gift giving!  Here are the ingredients you'll need:

(NOTE:  all utensils, pan, and bottles should be clean and sterilized before using)
  • 7 cups distilled or cool boiled water (if using boiled water, it is important it be completely cooled)
  • 1 level tblsp. sugar
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 tblsp. liquid glycerin (can be found in most grocery stores, drug stores, or health food stores)
  • 1/2 tsp. liquid Vitamin E oil (can be found in most drug stores or health food stores)
  • 3/4 bar clear unscented glycerin soap (can also be found in most drug stores or health food stores)
  • Metal pan large enough to hold 7 - 8 cups liquid comfortably
  • Optional:  A few drops of desired essential/fragrance oil or a few drops of your favorite perfume
Let's make the soap:
  1. Combine 3 cups water and the sugar into large pan; on medium high heat, bring ingredients to a boil
  2. Reduce heat to low and add 3/4 bar of glycerine soap (soap should be cute into cubes)
  3. Once soap has thoroughly melted, remove pan from heat
  4. Add liquid glycerin, Vitamin E oil, and salt; beat vigorously (I used a hand beater) for 1/2 minute
  5. Cover with towel and let sit to cool completely (it is important to allow mixture to cool completely(about 2 hours)
  6. Once this mixture has cooled it will be very-very thick.  At this point, start adding distilled or cool boiled water to the mixture, one cupful at a time, stirring slowly and only until soap is of a regular liquid soap consistency, but do not add so much water as to make soap too thin!  This soap will thicken slightly more over a couple of hours, so if after 2 hours soap is too thick add a bit more water until it is again the consistency of store bought soap.
  7. Optional:  If desired, you can now add your favorite scented oil or perfume to your smell preference

Now your soap is ready to pour into and store in a large container, or pretty bottles to use or give as gifts!!!  And, let me say, before you add a scent, test smell the natural scent of this soap; it has it's own natural, pleasant smell -- you may not want an added scent at all!  And..., instead of using glycerin soap, experiment by substituting leftover scraps of soap you would typically throw away -- now how's that for recycling?!!!  However, of course, you''ll also be adding the "not so natural" additives and preservatives in the scrap soap.  So what... have fun with it!

To adorn my soap bottle, I inserted several large silk leaves on the inside; for the cork topper and below the lip rim I used bead ribbon, and added a bow with a rhinestone (to pick up the rhinestones on the bead ribbon); the embossing on the bottom of the bottle I swiped with gold Stickles.  The earth embellishment on the top of the tag I made from UTEE (ultra thick embossing powder) using a mold, the tag itself is was priinted out on my computer including the picture of the earth on the bottom that I found on the internet.  But the ironic surprise for me was that my hubby on an off-chance offered me the bottle before deciding to throw it away.  I took it not knowing what use I'd have for it until now.  And it just happens to be green?!!!  How appropriate for this project was that?!!!

Of course, along the blog hop trail, you'll find other goodies being offered by hop participants; however, you'll need to see their rules for winning their blog candies.  As for my candy package, everyone is welcome to participate; to be eligible just leave me a comment on today's hop.  I will announce my winner, which will be selected by Random.org., on Monday, April 25.  Here's the blog candy:

Well, I hope you like my project, and your next stop on the hop will be Daily Grace Creations.  She's all ready for you, so go on ahead and stop by.  Have fun and good luck on winning the goody packages being offerred!

I'll be seeing you!


Tracey said...

I love this idea.......I can't wait to try it. I'll be printing the ingrediants out. TFL

Besthobbyeva said...

Oh Audrey, this is gorgeous! I love it. The bottle and tag are so beautiful. Thanks so much for the recipe for the soap. Who would have thought going on a card making blog we would get a soap recipe? That is so awesome.

I hope is is going well!


ramonafl4 said...

Thanks for the recepie- I will have to try it for mother's day for my mom

The Scrapbooking Queen said...

Wow what alot of work but so worth it for saving our world ... thanks for sharing your talent
The Scrapbooking Queen

Kingston's Kreations said...

What a cool blog hop! I am excited to try your soap recipe. I used to make my own laundry soap a long time ago and I kind of miss that so I was excited to see your post. I am off to follow your blog hop. Have a great Easter!

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for the i8nstructions... Such wonderful projects.

jessica said...

WOW!! What a GREAT project..excellent tutorial and all around amazing idea. TFS

Josie0602 said...

Thanks for the soap tutorial! I would love to try this out!!
jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net

Idle Hands said...

Thanks for sharing your hand soap recipe! I enjoy making glycerin soaps, so this is right up my alley. I like to use the Cricut to embellish handmade soap boxes.


sweetlilscrapper said...

wow.. neat idea!!

lovemypaper said...

Very nice project! tfs

Tanya said...

WOW!!! You did an AMAZING job!!! I totally LOVE your tutorial included!! I'm a new follower and would love for you to visit me when you have time.


mfc.melissamade2 said...

Gorgeous project Audrey! So happy to be in a blog hop with you girly - I love all of your fabulous projects!! Sorry I haven't been around much to say it!!! Have a fabulous Earth Day!

Maria said...

Love your project. Very creative. I love it
Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

wow, what a great project!!! The bottle and tag are GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing. Love your blog too.

stampinlara at yahoo dot com

Tanya said...

Love your bottle and tag! Thanks for including the recipe and instructions!! :)

phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

JustYolie said...

What a fabulous green project! Thank you for sharing the soap recipe.

Lucinda said...

What a neat project thanks for sharing all the details.

ibecircled.blogspot.com said...

Awesome Project and Thanks for the soap Recipe! I will try it out!! TFS!!! I am a new follower and try and swing by my blog sometime and see what I have been up to!!

ilovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

What a great thing to make for earth day. I think I will try it

Debbie Goforth said...

Really nice! Very creative

Debbie @ http://bugginattheseams.blogspot.com/

Brenda said...

What a great project! Thank you for sharing the directions.


Susan said...

Aren't you clever!! Thank you soooo much!! such a terrific addition on this blog hop! This is such fun!
SusanJ in Atlanta

ShersL84bed said...

I love how you use items that are already at home. Can't beat that.

Smiles Sher

silvia said...

LOVE your tag!! LOVE your recipe even more~I can't wait to make some!! TFS!!! Happy Earth Day!!

mamawcindy said...

I love your bottle and Tag. You did an awesome job. TFS I'm a new follower. :0)
cindymarshall63@hotmail dot com

Tambo said...

very pretty! thanks for the directions. I am going to try this. I have a whole bunch of bottles to use to (for another project,leftovers)

Unknown said...

Wow, I'm glad I hopped over to your blog this holiday weekend. I've always wanted a homemade soap recipe and this looks like the ONE. Thanks .. Your project looks great. Love the blog candy too. Have a blessed Easter.

Misty said...

Totally LOVE it! I make soy candle products & air fresheners with my homemade paper. I wanted to move into soap, but was downsized out of my job, so spending has come to a screeching halt.
Hummer Hugs,
hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

Sheila aka SassyLady said...

What a wonderful project not only is it pleasing to the eye but the body as well! Thanks for sharing your recipe.

Holly said...

What a great idea! You are so talented! I would never think of making my own soap!


hollyshobbie at gmail dot com

Holly said...

I left a comment so I hope I dont repost but I dont see it. This is such a wonderful idea! I would never think to make my own soap! Love IT!


hollyshobbie at gmail dot com

Carol W. said...

WOW fabulous project! thank you for the how-to! TFD

Cricut Couple said...

Oh Audrey! Gorgeous project as always! Love everything about it! Thanks so much for hopping with us today and Happy Earth Day! Bobby & Jill

Debbie said...

I copied the recipe thanks
upnurse at aol dot com

Jean said...

I am going to have to try this. The bottle and tag look beautiful!

Got2BCrafting said...

This is a wonderful project! Thank you so much for the great instructions too... it would be awesome to be able to use up those last pieces of soap that I always throw away!! :)
got2bcrafting at gmail dotcom

Kelly Massman said...

Very cool project! Thanks for the instructions and for sharing!

Dawnll said...

How exciting Audrey!
I remember you making so many gifts this past holiday.
I am so honored you would share your recipe with us.
I can almost smell it already
blessings Dawn ll

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your recipe with us Audrey!! You have so many talents!! I even love the tag and bottle you put your lotion in!!

So glad to be in this hop with you!!

Unknown said...

I love, love, love this idea. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I have about 100 little wine bottles and think I will make some gifts this weekend. You ROCK recycled!!!

Jae said...

Wow, both the bottle and tag look stunning! Thanks for sharing your secret soap recipe!

joydee1963 said...

Thats a great project!Love it! new follower! joydee1963 at yahoo dot com

Scrappin Crafter said...

Very creative project! I will have to give this a try! TFS!

Kate said...

What a super idea to make your own soap! This is such a lovely gift idea, too! Your presentation is fabulous as well, Audrey!

mitch1066 said...

OK,how did i not find your blog before....i luv hops..i always find someone new thats a great crafter and inspiration:)


Amy Z said...

Thanks for the soap lesson! Cool!

the 2 Pink Ladies said...

Thanks for the soap recipe! I love making gifts for my friends and family. This one will unique and different. Thanks for sharing.
hdhall6002 at sbcglobal dot net

Jamie said...

Wow you went all out in being Earth friendly! Thanks for the recipe. I will actually try this. I thought that was clever using your "own" soap and also making a cute tag. TFS!

GabyCreates.com said...

Hi Audrey!! What a beautiful tag and bottle!! (I just bought UTEE and you just reminded me to use it!)... I have to really give your soap recipe a try, Thank you so much for sharing your secret recipe!!
What a beautiful gift set! and it's green!
Thank you so much for being part of my celebration and for being my friend!! Hugs, Gaby

Dalis said...

omg... those are some fancy soaps!!!! awesome!

-- dalis
alidalis AT comcast DOT net

MLiss3 said...

How cool. What a neat idea. I always like to see how to make something besides apper related, although I do like the presentation!
trepanierm at comcast dot net

Geri said...

Wow!! Such a great idea!!!! It's so Martha Stewart like!!! Very nice!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!

Totally Twisted Cards said...

Awesome tag and bottle. Thanks for being earth conscious and making your project out of recycled items. Thanks for the blog hop and a chance to win.

stacy at mycraftingtime dot com

Sherrie K. said...

Wow, this is creative..I will have to try it out. TFS!
Sherrie K

Jazmin said...

The tag and bottle are gorgeous... and making your own soap is a great idea.


All Honey Creations said...

What a nice idea!! And easy too! I've got several soap recipes and this one seams to be so easy. I may have to try this. Pam

pat said...

Wonderful idea! thanks for passing it along.

Corrine said...

Great project!! Thanks for the recipe~ Corrine http://celebratingordinarymoments.blogspot.com/

Kaitlin said...

Great project!


Unknown said...

Great gift. Love the tutorial that you gave us. TFS.
debbie_craine at hot mail dot com

Peggy T. said...

Audrey, what a great idea. Thanks for sharing it. So glad to be part of the blog hop.

Peggy T.

Scrappin Time Gal said...

Thank you for sharing your "secret" soap recipe. I guess it is no longer a secret. I think I will give this a go.....I will print it out and see if I can make it look as nice as yours. Thank you for a chance at your blog candy.


Mish086 said...

Great project and boy you do get a lot in the end! Love the Tag and bottle!
You can find me at ScrapbookingSOS.blogspot.com

Melissa said...

Cool! Thanks for the recipe! You are so creative and clever!


Sarah Magill-Straisfeld said...

Beautiful project, and thanks for sharing the soap recipe. I can't wait to try it.

theduchess&thediva said...

Aubrey I love this gift and idea! Thanks for the recipe as well. I am going to try and make it myself. It is also nice to see someone close to home. I am in Kankakee. Thanks for sharing!


Anna said...

Love this idea. Thank you for sharing.
I am a new follower.
Thanks for the chance to win.
annadowdy at gmail dot com

Ellen Jarvis said...

Very nice project. I am a new follower; your blog is lovely!

Ellen ♥ CardMonkey
E-mail: cardmonkey@comcast.net

Bunnyfreak said...

Wow. Making your own liquid soap. Cool.

Anonymous said...

what a neat project....thanks for sharing......

Cathy said...

I love your blog, your projects and your blog candy. thanks for sharing. Happy Easter:)

Nadia's World said...

This is a great gift Audrey! Thanks for the recipe/directions!!!


Nicole T.

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Oh I am so happy that you were able to take time to play alone with the blog.. you have been so busy... I so hope things are better for you my friend... I wish I could play along with you.. Everett and i didn't get home from Napa till almost 7pm.. Aunt Eloise seemed a little confused today, bless her heart, I so wish I lived closer so I could see her more often. :-( AND would make it easier, by the time we get home i am so wore out. lol.. that's what happens when you get old... AND of course I so love your project, you never cease to amaze me. Praying that things get better for you soon.. love Sandy

Unknown said...

I am not sure what I enjoyed more about what you made for this hop or the soap! But I have always wanted to make my own soap, but I am so sensitive to most soaps.
Feel free to drop by my blog anytime..it's not my work - rather a compilation of tutorials, ideas and techniques.

Unknown said...

Forgot to mention, you can see my 2 babies that are Shih Tzus on my page about me.


thekolbes said...

What an awesome idea. I can't wait to make this soap. Thanks so much for sharing.
krazykcrafters at msn dot com

ScrappinAnn said...

Your project is wonderful! Isn't it great when the hubby remembers to offer you things like that before tossing them?!
Thanks for the recipe too. I have always wanted to try making my own soap for gifts..... hmmmmm....gears are turning now!
I am a follower too.
Scrappin Ann at gmail dot com

Kris in Alaska said...

Wow thanks for all the information! What a superb unique idea! TFS!

Kris in Alaska
funamom at yahoo dot com

patti said...

I always enjoy your blog and projects!! Thanks for the blog candt! pjseagers at hotmail dot com

Kay Miracle said...

What a project, you are awesome. TFS

Stacey said...

Thanks for the recipe for the soap!! I make my own laundry soap, so I am super excited to start making my own hand soap!!!

Brenna said...

that is an amazing gift!! wow, I will defiantely be trying to make this soon!! thanks for the chance to win!

Theresa said...

Thank you so much for sharing this how to. I always wondered how people made their own soap, so very cool.

Maria said...

Great project! Thanks for the recipe.

Sandi Clarkson said...

Just wrote a very long post that went to blogger heaven .. I lost your blog on my "following" .. never have seen that happen. Have a great weekend!

Simply AJ said...

Thanks for sharing your project... what a nice gift to give or receive!! AJ

Lisa R. said...

Great gift idea! Boy you're busy! thanks for sharing the recipe's! Happy earth day. Thanks for sharing. joy4umetoo at hotmail dot com

Stephanie K said...

What a beautiful project!! What a great gift!!! Can't wait to try out the recipe!! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the chance to win!!


Debbie Bonczek said...

What a great idea, and love that the instructions for making are so clear. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

The EmBellished Card - Belinda said...

What a wonderful project. Thank you for sharing your recipe. I love hand made soap and creams.

CathyinMN said...

Thanks so much for the soap recipe! You decorated the bottle and card so elegantly, too.
tcsobotka at charter dot net

Susan said...

Hi Audrey!

First off I must say I really enjoyed your blog today and I'm a new follower. I'm also a Chicago girl however, I have been living in Minnesota since 2004. Needless to say we are still Bears fans! I really appreciate how you thought outside the box on this project. It seems we drink handsoap in my house and I will be giving this a try. I also like how you dressed up the bottle, very creative. Thank you for sharing this and I do hope you'll stop over at my blog sometime and say hi! Take care and have a very Happy Easter!


Beth said...

Thanks for the recipe, I love stuff like this. Love how you packaged the soap too.

Autumn said...

Love love LOVE that you did something a little different for the hop!! It's earth-friendly and unique! TFS!

autumnwillis925 at gmail dot com

kathlee said...

What a FANTASTIC project!! New follower.

Amy E said...

AWESOME project! Thanks for sharing you super special soap recipe with us!!


Paula Puckett said...

Super idea! This would be a great gift! I'm gonna try this project and put together a couple spa baskets for the sisters. They'll love it! Thank you for the great recipe!


MsJay said...

Love this project. I must give it a try and to find a nice bottle as pretty as yours. TFS

Stacy said...

Hey sweetie,
I am not here for the hop, but I wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Easter

Beatriz Farquhar-Guzman said...

wow... this is awesome! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I am home resting and feeling better by the hour. Have a blessed Easter!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the instructions and sharing your gift. Smiles to you, Annette

ScrapCrazyyyy! said...

Wow,I would love to try this one day. I have so many projects I need to complete right now...and guess what, my back gave out on me today. At least I made it through preparing and cleaning up at our annual Church Easter Egg Hunt today! Hope you are doing well.

Happy Easter to you and your family!!! Hugs!

liz at liz's paper loft said...

what a fabulous idea and so pretty too!
liz :o)

Amyscats said...

I've given handmade Christmas gifts to co-workers for almost 30 years - and this looks to be the next new idea! TFS!!
amylfahnestock at gmail dot com

Kathy's Kreative Spot said...

The tag and bottle are awesome. I will have to try your recipe for hand soap.
Katsew at gmail dotcom

LouAnn said...

Great idea. Thanks for the directions.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I might have to try this!

Unknown said...

Hi Audrey. With the holidays I can't believe I missed this. THE famous soap recipe? Can't wait to try it. Thank you so much for sharing. Hugs, Mary M

shari said...

Awesome project Audrey! I love how you do things that are different then anyone else I follow. Shari (cricutrookie)

Jo said...

What a great idea. Thank you so much for sharing your soap recipe with us.

Angi Barrs said...

Happy Earth Day and great way to recycle. Love that you dressed up a bottle. Fabulous! :)

Audrey Frelx said...

Wow, how fun is this!!!

Thank you all for your wonderful comments!!! I've really enjoyed reading every one of them!

Hugs, my family-friends!

kathlee said...

Hello Audrey!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments! It is so wonderful to have you as a follower! I am flattered! Can't wait to see more projects! Don't be a stranger...visit soon!