In my haste to say hello and let you guys know I'm back on-line, I forgot to say I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!!!
AND I'm really excited now because I dropped in on a few family-friends to see if I'd be able to post a comment, and I was just ecstatic to see my name acknowledged at the bottom of the comment posts!!! I was so glad to see that because I knew I'd be able to finally post a comment (at least on those blogs). I hope to drop in and say hi to you all now!!!
I'll be seeing you!
Hello everyone! I am thrilled to have you visit with me and I hope you enjoy your stay. I absolutely love company, sharing, and making new friends so I hope you find something here that inspires, motivates, or just pleases you in some way.
Of course, I love to visit and be inspired also. So if I don't already drop in on you, please let me know where I can find you and I'll hop on over to see what you're doing or to just say "hi".
Before you go, I would love it if you'd please leave me a comment letting me know you dropped in! Actually, I'd just love to hear from you -- comments, opinions, or questions you'd like me to answer.
In the meantime, relax and make yourselves at home... you're family here!!!
I'll be seeing you!
Hello everyone! I am thrilled to have you visit with me and I hope you enjoy your stay. I absolutely love company, sharing, and making new friends so I hope you find something here that inspires, motivates, or just pleases you in some way.
Of course, I love to visit and be inspired also. So if I don't already drop in on you, please let me know where I can find you and I'll hop on over to see what you're doing or to just say "hi".
Before you go, I would love it if you'd please leave me a comment letting me know you dropped in! Actually, I'd just love to hear from you -- comments, opinions, or questions you'd like me to answer.
In the meantime, relax and make yourselves at home... you're family here!!!
I'll be seeing you!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Hello, hello, hello!!!
It is so good to be able to sign on again!!! I've missed you all so and was so worried. The last time I was on I was having a problem commenting on your blogs and I tried doing some updating on my own and must have did something wrong because after doing whatever I did I couldn't even sign on to my own blog! Anyway, I don't know what my son's friend did but being somewhat of a computer geek, whatever he did I'm here!!! He's such a sweetie because he was here most of the day Saturday trying to resolve my internet problem and came back again today; and today he worked the miracle of getting me back up!!! He kept telling me "ma don't worry, we'll get you up and running again". My son and his friends (also my sons) never let me down if they can help it!!! Unfortunately, I still have some issues but he showed me how to get around most of them until I can get my computer somewhere to be serviced.
Thank you all for your supportive emails. I did try your suggestions but I still couldn't sign on to Blogger, and it's ridiculously difficult to contact them and/or get a response. I wished I could have left you a comment letting you know what was going on, but even when I googled some of your blogs, I still couldn't post a comment. However, I don't think the problem I was having was all Blogger because I was having problems with other accounts I sign on to also. I could get into my email but that was about the only thing I could sign on to, although I had some problems there too. Now my email account doesn't automatically recognize me and I have to complete the full log-on procedure every time I need to get in, even if I check the box to keep me signed on. A bit of an inconvenience but I'm just happy to able to get around again!!!
Because I haven't been able to access my blog I was unable to get in here last week to conclude the selection for the blog candy package. So, to give everyone the opportunity to know I'm back on-line, I'll do the drawing tomorror at 6 p.m. central time (I hope everyone checks in by then). Because of Blogger comment issues, to be fair, if anyone was unable to post a comment to be eligible for my RAK, please send me an email to I'll make certain you're included in the vote, but you must leave me the email by tomorrow's deadline and note the comment is for the blog candy.
I have worked on a few projects during my "down" time which I'll share with you beginning tomorrow. I was too frustrated to tackle any major craft projects but I did manage to keep moderately calm by working on a few small things. I'm still waiting on my cart, and the ink and screens, from Cricut; hopefully they'll be here before this week is out.
Anyway I'm so excited to be back up and running, I could probably go on and on, but now I've got to start getting a DT project together for Sheila's blog on Thursday. I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to post that I hadn't even attempted to begin a project, so now I've got to beat the clock to get something together.
God willing (no more problems), I'll be back tomorrow! So looking forward to seeing you then! And so hoping and praying I'll be able to leave a comment when I visit!!!
Love and have missed you all!
It is so good to be able to sign on again!!! I've missed you all so and was so worried. The last time I was on I was having a problem commenting on your blogs and I tried doing some updating on my own and must have did something wrong because after doing whatever I did I couldn't even sign on to my own blog! Anyway, I don't know what my son's friend did but being somewhat of a computer geek, whatever he did I'm here!!! He's such a sweetie because he was here most of the day Saturday trying to resolve my internet problem and came back again today; and today he worked the miracle of getting me back up!!! He kept telling me "ma don't worry, we'll get you up and running again". My son and his friends (also my sons) never let me down if they can help it!!! Unfortunately, I still have some issues but he showed me how to get around most of them until I can get my computer somewhere to be serviced.
Thank you all for your supportive emails. I did try your suggestions but I still couldn't sign on to Blogger, and it's ridiculously difficult to contact them and/or get a response. I wished I could have left you a comment letting you know what was going on, but even when I googled some of your blogs, I still couldn't post a comment. However, I don't think the problem I was having was all Blogger because I was having problems with other accounts I sign on to also. I could get into my email but that was about the only thing I could sign on to, although I had some problems there too. Now my email account doesn't automatically recognize me and I have to complete the full log-on procedure every time I need to get in, even if I check the box to keep me signed on. A bit of an inconvenience but I'm just happy to able to get around again!!!
Because I haven't been able to access my blog I was unable to get in here last week to conclude the selection for the blog candy package. So, to give everyone the opportunity to know I'm back on-line, I'll do the drawing tomorror at 6 p.m. central time (I hope everyone checks in by then). Because of Blogger comment issues, to be fair, if anyone was unable to post a comment to be eligible for my RAK, please send me an email to I'll make certain you're included in the vote, but you must leave me the email by tomorrow's deadline and note the comment is for the blog candy.
I have worked on a few projects during my "down" time which I'll share with you beginning tomorrow. I was too frustrated to tackle any major craft projects but I did manage to keep moderately calm by working on a few small things. I'm still waiting on my cart, and the ink and screens, from Cricut; hopefully they'll be here before this week is out.
Anyway I'm so excited to be back up and running, I could probably go on and on, but now I've got to start getting a DT project together for Sheila's blog on Thursday. I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to post that I hadn't even attempted to begin a project, so now I've got to beat the clock to get something together.
God willing (no more problems), I'll be back tomorrow! So looking forward to seeing you then! And so hoping and praying I'll be able to leave a comment when I visit!!!
Love and have missed you all!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Hi, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well!
I'm so thankful the severe weather passed us over the other evening, but I feel so much for those poor people who were affected by the tornado hitting in Joplin, MA. They are in my thoughts and prayers, and I'm sure in yours too! So many tragedies!
Seems I'm not having the best luck either since I've been back -- but at least I can deal with mine. I did pick up additional blank screens yesterday and they got ruined today the same way as the previous ones were. Called PC back and they're sending me new screens and more inks... we'll see what happens when I get the new inks and screens. They said it must be a bad batch of ink since I've tried and gotten the same results on so many new screens. I certainly hope the ink really is the problem.
Anyway, I was all excited about getting started doing some crafting with the new cart I got in the mail:
And to top that off I'm still having Google issues! Ya think I was just too overexcited to get back and get started on my crafting that something just had to knock me down a few notches?!!! LOL! Or, maybe I really am cursed... lol! It's becoming tooo funny to me to let it frustrate or annoy me at this point. When I think of all the other things going on -- like in Joplin -- it puts it into perspective just how much worse for me things could be!
Still I'm quite disappointed! After waiting months to get this cartridge for this to happen is like adding insult to! I'm not giving up though, I'm going to do some crafting even if it's just making more cards -- which I'm really not that good at doing at all!!! I was really looking forward to having a beautiful card today to share because the images on Teresa's Collins' cart are just beautiful!!! Call me a glutton for punishment but I won't let none of this get me down!!! I'm crafting something!!! LOL!!!
Well, I'm heading back to the drawing board! LOL!!! Oh, and I'll be back around to visit again as soon as Google figures out whatever the problem is I'm still having leaving comments!
Overall, wanted to drop in and say "hi"; let you know I was thinking about you since I can't let you know on your blogs.
Hugs, and I'll be seeing you!
I'm so thankful the severe weather passed us over the other evening, but I feel so much for those poor people who were affected by the tornado hitting in Joplin, MA. They are in my thoughts and prayers, and I'm sure in yours too! So many tragedies!
Seems I'm not having the best luck either since I've been back -- but at least I can deal with mine. I did pick up additional blank screens yesterday and they got ruined today the same way as the previous ones were. Called PC back and they're sending me new screens and more inks... we'll see what happens when I get the new inks and screens. They said it must be a bad batch of ink since I've tried and gotten the same results on so many new screens. I certainly hope the ink really is the problem.
Anyway, I was all excited about getting started doing some crafting with the new cart I got in the mail:
Well..., you won't see a project today as I'd thought from my using this either because it's got to fi back in the mail to PC!!! Why? Because apparently the colors on the cart weren't programmed correctly and no matter which color I'd select everything came out in these 3 colors only:
According to PC, this does occassionally happen with new cartridges...
And to top that off I'm still having Google issues! Ya think I was just too overexcited to get back and get started on my crafting that something just had to knock me down a few notches?!!! LOL! Or, maybe I really am cursed... lol! It's becoming tooo funny to me to let it frustrate or annoy me at this point. When I think of all the other things going on -- like in Joplin -- it puts it into perspective just how much worse for me things could be!
Still I'm quite disappointed! After waiting months to get this cartridge for this to happen is like adding insult to! I'm not giving up though, I'm going to do some crafting even if it's just making more cards -- which I'm really not that good at doing at all!!! I was really looking forward to having a beautiful card today to share because the images on Teresa's Collins' cart are just beautiful!!! Call me a glutton for punishment but I won't let none of this get me down!!! I'm crafting something!!! LOL!!!
Well, I'm heading back to the drawing board! LOL!!! Oh, and I'll be back around to visit again as soon as Google figures out whatever the problem is I'm still having leaving comments!
Overall, wanted to drop in and say "hi"; let you know I was thinking about you since I can't let you know on your blogs.
Hugs, and I'll be seeing you!
Maybe because it almost 3 a.m. and Blogger may be doing maintenance or something, but I'm unable to leave comments on some of your blogs that I've visited. I'll try again later and hopefully everything will be working fine again!
Sorry, I couldn't say "hi" and comment on your projects!
Sorry, I couldn't say "hi" and comment on your projects!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Hello, everyone!!! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for all the caring emails regarding the weather warning we were under yesterday. Phew, the worst of the storms passed us by and so did the tornado! However, we did have a really nasty hail storm that lasted about 20 minutes and several short thunderstorms.
Well call me a glutton for punishment because I ruined my last 2 blank screens last night trying again to get a screen print only to have the same thing happen. If I'm anything, I guess it's persistent! I did speak to PC this morning about the ink drying so quickly on the screens and they said my ink is probably too thick, that I could use water to thin it a bit and it should be okay. As I'm out of screens I'm going to run out this afternoon, buy a couple more blank screens and come home to try again. If I'm successful, I'll show you my project; if not...
Anyway, it's time for the giveaway I promised. This is a small RAK I wanted to offer in appreciation for you just being you, and for taking the time from your crafting and schedules to just stop in on me:
Thank you for all the caring emails regarding the weather warning we were under yesterday. Phew, the worst of the storms passed us by and so did the tornado! However, we did have a really nasty hail storm that lasted about 20 minutes and several short thunderstorms.
Well call me a glutton for punishment because I ruined my last 2 blank screens last night trying again to get a screen print only to have the same thing happen. If I'm anything, I guess it's persistent! I did speak to PC this morning about the ink drying so quickly on the screens and they said my ink is probably too thick, that I could use water to thin it a bit and it should be okay. As I'm out of screens I'm going to run out this afternoon, buy a couple more blank screens and come home to try again. If I'm successful, I'll show you my project; if not...
Anyway, it's time for the giveaway I promised. This is a small RAK I wanted to offer in appreciation for you just being you, and for taking the time from your crafting and schedules to just stop in on me:
Again, this giveaway is open to everyone! You don't have to be a follower, however, I love compamy and any new followers would be more than welcome in my family of friends!
This will be a random drawing and the recipient will be selected by on Thursday, May 26, at 5 p.m.. I will post the winner immediately following the selection on that day. To qualify, please leave me a comment for the RAK on this post only. That's it! Good luck!!!
I am interested in knowing if any of you are attending the 2011 Summer CHA Show in Chicago in July. I will be attending and would love to meet up with you. Please let me know, I'd hate to miss you!
Well, that's it for now, but I'll be back. Thanks for dropping by, good luck on the rak, and...
I'll be seeing you!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Happy Sunday morning, everyone!
Does anyone want blog candy?!!! Well, tomorrow afternoon I'll show you what I have to give away and when!
Right now though, I have a couple of quick cards I put together last night to share with you. Because these cards can pretty much be all occassion cards, I didn't add a sentiment. I haven't a clue what ocassion I'll use them for and who will get them, so I'll make the sentiment match the occasion at that time. Here's the first card:
Does anyone want blog candy?!!! Well, tomorrow afternoon I'll show you what I have to give away and when!
Right now though, I have a couple of quick cards I put together last night to share with you. Because these cards can pretty much be all occassion cards, I didn't add a sentiment. I haven't a clue what ocassion I'll use them for and who will get them, so I'll make the sentiment match the occasion at that time. Here's the first card:
Here's the inside:
Here's the second card:
This paper was so heavy it's kind of hard to see all the embossing, but it really came out better than I thought it would. And here's a peek on the inside of it:
Well, I've got to go. We're under a severe thunderstorm and tornado watch right now, and I hear thunder. If you've been reading/following my blog for a while than you knowmy house shuts down during storms and a whole lot of praying goes on because we believe that's when God is talking -- can't hear a message if your ears aren't tuned in... lol!!!
Anyway, just wanted to get in here and make certain I said hello, and shared a little something with you. After all the problems I had yesterday with my Yudo, I'm surprised I got through a project at all... hee!
Don't forget to come back tomorrow to see if you might be interested in the blog candy!!! And I hope you like my quick cards... oh-oh, I hear hail!!!
I'll be seeing you!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Hello, everyone! No, I haven't disappeared again, I started out happily playing today until it turned into a disaster and I got totally frustrated!!!
I've had the big Yudo for over a year now and I've never used it -- now I may NEVER use it!!! Why? Because I decided I'd use the Yudo Cardmaker I recently purchased to make and post a "quick" project for you today. I used vinyl to make several screen-print templates for the blank screens and they came out perfect! The problem came after I did the first print which didn't print out too well because I think I didn't flood the screen well enough. Anyway, excited, I immediately ran to rinse the ink out the screen to try again and found the ink had already started drying on the screen!!! The ink wouldn't all wash out!!! I'd only made one print which only took a minute or so!!! Anyway, I tried working around the area where the ink had dried and I got a good print but this time I hadn't lined the card up properly and the print was crooked. Again I run to rinse out the screen only to find more areas where the ink wouldn't wash/rinse out. Of course, I was frustrated and disappointed; then some little nagging voice in my mind told me to try one of the pre-made screens to see if the ink dried on it too after only one print... Well, wouldn't you know, alllll the ink rinsed right out. Now what do you think that tells me?!!! I was ready right then to trash Yudo!!! You think this may be PC's way of making us continuously buy the blank screens? Or could it by some fluke really be me?!!! I've went through 4 blank screens -- same thing each time. At that point, I was too frustrated to even attempt another craft project. I'll try something later, but that totally killed the enthusiasm I started out with. So, so much for the "quick" project for today -- I'd even made the embellies!!!
Anyway, if it turns out I can't re-use a blank screen more than once than I'm done with Yudo!!! I just don't like the premade screens they have available and I purchased the four of them! I wouldn't be able to afford doing t-shirts for my family reunion (which I'd planned to do this summer) if I can only use one screen at a! Can you imagaine the cost of the emulsion and blank screens to do more than 200 t-shirts? YIKES!!!
The up-side of all my frustration is I still managed to use my time effectively -- all was not wasted; I completed all the wash loads I'd procrastinated getting done since I've been home and I've been catching up on some more visiting time in blogland . It always makes me feel better to see all the wonderful crafting you do!!!
If anyone else has had this experience with blank screens on their Yudo, please let me know. I will be calling Provo Craft though for sure!
Anyway, wanted to let you know I'm still here, okay, and I'll be back with a project tomorrow if not later this evening!!
I've had the big Yudo for over a year now and I've never used it -- now I may NEVER use it!!! Why? Because I decided I'd use the Yudo Cardmaker I recently purchased to make and post a "quick" project for you today. I used vinyl to make several screen-print templates for the blank screens and they came out perfect! The problem came after I did the first print which didn't print out too well because I think I didn't flood the screen well enough. Anyway, excited, I immediately ran to rinse the ink out the screen to try again and found the ink had already started drying on the screen!!! The ink wouldn't all wash out!!! I'd only made one print which only took a minute or so!!! Anyway, I tried working around the area where the ink had dried and I got a good print but this time I hadn't lined the card up properly and the print was crooked. Again I run to rinse out the screen only to find more areas where the ink wouldn't wash/rinse out. Of course, I was frustrated and disappointed; then some little nagging voice in my mind told me to try one of the pre-made screens to see if the ink dried on it too after only one print... Well, wouldn't you know, alllll the ink rinsed right out. Now what do you think that tells me?!!! I was ready right then to trash Yudo!!! You think this may be PC's way of making us continuously buy the blank screens? Or could it by some fluke really be me?!!! I've went through 4 blank screens -- same thing each time. At that point, I was too frustrated to even attempt another craft project. I'll try something later, but that totally killed the enthusiasm I started out with. So, so much for the "quick" project for today -- I'd even made the embellies!!!
Anyway, if it turns out I can't re-use a blank screen more than once than I'm done with Yudo!!! I just don't like the premade screens they have available and I purchased the four of them! I wouldn't be able to afford doing t-shirts for my family reunion (which I'd planned to do this summer) if I can only use one screen at a! Can you imagaine the cost of the emulsion and blank screens to do more than 200 t-shirts? YIKES!!!
The up-side of all my frustration is I still managed to use my time effectively -- all was not wasted; I completed all the wash loads I'd procrastinated getting done since I've been home and I've been catching up on some more visiting time in blogland . It always makes me feel better to see all the wonderful crafting you do!!!
If anyone else has had this experience with blank screens on their Yudo, please let me know. I will be calling Provo Craft though for sure!
Anyway, wanted to let you know I'm still here, okay, and I'll be back with a project tomorrow if not later this evening!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Hello everyone! Hope all's well! Wow, just see what I've prepared for you today that's my DT project also over at Pam's! It's really a very long tutorial but that's because I'm taking you step-by-step what I did, but it's really easy.
This project is just as the name implies as I actually imagined and created it as I was doing it. I've never really worked with clay before so I wanted to play around with it to see what I could come up with. I didn't have time to put together a cut-file project and couldn't think of any paper craft, so I decided you'd have to bear with me on this trial project; however, I love the results and I think you will too. Now don't worry, it really is very easy. And trust me, if I can do this, you can too. Here is my completed home decor project:
I have no clay tools at all, so I used common items to complete this project entirely from scratch -- NO CLAY TOOLS!!! This really is a picture heavy tutorial so let's get started.
Materials I used:

NOTE: Before I began I had ready a sheet of freezer paper covering a small baking sheet to hold my clay mold and clay items which were going into the oven to be baked.
I began by making the mold for the cherub by taking a thick chunk of clay as tall as the cherub and a bit wider around than the cherub:
After pressing the ornament into the clay, I carefully removed the cherub from the clay mold by gently lifting it along the edges of the clay lifting it out. Here's what the mold looked like:
Using the spatula I carefully lifted my image/frame and placed it on the freezer paper on the pan, then baked it at 275 degrees for 20 minutes.
Once the clay image had cooled, I decided rub black ink around the edges and to use my index finger to spread some gold Stickles all over the image completely covering it and allowing it to dry. This is what it looked like:
At this point, afrer curling the other end with the pliers, I could take the loops between my thumb and index finger to continue curling, bending and/or manipulating the wire until I got the shape I desired. That's it!!!
Now I really have no experience at all working with clay and this really is my first completed clay project, so like I said if I can do this on a first try, you can too. Clay doesn't have to be hard or intimidating -- jusr play with it! Anyway, I hope you like this and are inspired to try doing one yourself! And don't forget to let me see how your's came out!
Thanks for stopping by and...
I'll be seeing you!
This project is just as the name implies as I actually imagined and created it as I was doing it. I've never really worked with clay before so I wanted to play around with it to see what I could come up with. I didn't have time to put together a cut-file project and couldn't think of any paper craft, so I decided you'd have to bear with me on this trial project; however, I love the results and I think you will too. Now don't worry, it really is very easy. And trust me, if I can do this, you can too. Here is my completed home decor project:
I have no clay tools at all, so I used common items to complete this project entirely from scratch -- NO CLAY TOOLS!!! This really is a picture heavy tutorial so let's get started.
Materials I used:
- Sculpey Oven Bake Clay
- Pearl Ex Powdered Pigments
- Large Background Stamp
- Cherub ornament shown below used for mold and molded item ( I found this on sale for $1 at Walmart)
- Item used for frame/cutting (I used one of Buster's empty dog food plastic containers shown below to outline my frame because I liked the octagon shape and the scallop cookie cutter for my molded cherub shape; however, cookie cutters, die cuts or actual shape cutters can be used)
- Plastic bottle or rolling pin ( I used my Crafters Pick Ultimate Glue bottle)
- Mister (containing water)
- Plastic knife
- Small paint brush
- Drinking Straw
- Spatula

NOTE: Before I began I had ready a sheet of freezer paper covering a small baking sheet to hold my clay mold and clay items which were going into the oven to be baked.
I began by making the mold for the cherub by taking a thick chunk of clay as tall as the cherub and a bit wider around than the cherub:
Using the bottle of glue as a rolling pin I smoothed out the top of the clay and misted it with water before firmly pressing the cherub into the clay (some people use talc to keep the clay from sticking but I found water worked best for me):
After pressing the ornament into the clay, I carefully removed the cherub from the clay mold by gently lifting it along the edges of the clay lifting it out. Here's what the mold looked like:
I placed the mold on the freezer wrap lined pan and baked it for 20 minutes at 275 degrees (always check time/temperature on clay package); I let clay cool about 30 minutes.
Once the mold was cool, I took a chunk of clay and flattened it out large enough to fit over the depressed image in the mold (this piece of clay should be just thick enough to not punch a hole into when pressing into it with your fingers):
Again I smoothed out the top of the clay chunk and mited the mold before placing the clay on top of the mold:
Very gently and carefully so as not to tear the clay -- but firmly -- I pressed the clay into the mold using my fingers and thumbs to get a good impression:
Lifting from around the edges (the same as with the cherub) I removed the clay and here's the impression I got from the mold:
NOTE: Because I did this as I went along, as an afterthought I used the scallop shape cookie cutter (shown in the picture above of the materials I used) to cut away the excess clay around the edges of the cherub image so it didn't look so rough; because it was a last minute decision I didn't get a picture of it -- sorry. However, you'd do the cutting around the edges using the cookie cutter just as you would on cookie dough. You'll see on a following picture what it will look like with the edges scalloped. Hey, I did say this was a trial project!!! LOL!
Moving on, I took another chunk of clay enough for my frame (the plaster container); again smoothing, flattening (to about the thickness of a nickel), and wetting the top of the clay; I laid the container on top of this piece of clay and pressed down firmly:
Using the plastic knife I carefully sliced away the extra/excess clay from around the image of the frame:
Here's the impression I had once I'd sliced away the unnecessary additional clay:
I then took my background stamp (I've colored the stamp so you'll be able to see the impression), misted it and placed it on top of the clay frame pressing down gently but firmly to get a good impression on the clay:
Now the fun really began for me! Using the spatula I carefully lifted the cherub image and centered it on the frame. Using the end of the paint brush I punched holes into each scallop for decoration and used the straw to punch a hole where I was going to string a tassel:
Using several colors of pigment powders as paint, I started painting the clay until I achieved a color I liked:
Once the clay image had cooled, I decided rub black ink around the edges and to use my index finger to spread some gold Stickles all over the image completely covering it and allowing it to dry. This is what it looked like:
This is actually the finished piece!!! Now of course you've noticed I didn't put a tassel through the hole at the bottom as I'd planned; again, as an afterthought, I changed my mind and decided to glue a wire holder for the computer generated words "Imagine" and "Create" before placing the image into the wooden frame. If you'd like to know how I did the wire, it was easy. I cut off a piece of 20 guage wire about 4 inches long; using round nose pliers I held the pliers with my palm and fingers facing up before grabbing the very tip end of the wire with the pliers:
Slowly turning my wrist I curled the wire until the tip end and the length of the wire were touching:
Now I really have no experience at all working with clay and this really is my first completed clay project, so like I said if I can do this on a first try, you can too. Clay doesn't have to be hard or intimidating -- jusr play with it! Anyway, I hope you like this and are inspired to try doing one yourself! And don't forget to let me see how your's came out!
Thanks for stopping by and...
I'll be seeing you!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Hello, hello!!!
Wow, I'm having such a wonderful day and I hope you are too! The weather here today is beautiful and I've been out craft shopping!!! YEEEAAAA!!!! Now I can really get down to some serious!
Today, I'd like to acknowledge a blog award I received from my dear friends Bobby and Jill, the Cricut Couple. Most of you should already know these wonderful people; if not, you've really got to check them out -- they're fabulous! Here's the award:
Wow, I'm having such a wonderful day and I hope you are too! The weather here today is beautiful and I've been out craft shopping!!! YEEEAAAA!!!! Now I can really get down to some serious!
Today, I'd like to acknowledge a blog award I received from my dear friends Bobby and Jill, the Cricut Couple. Most of you should already know these wonderful people; if not, you've really got to check them out -- they're fabulous! Here's the award:
Thank you so much for this wonderful award, you're very special family-friends!
To accept this award I must provide five (5) Cricut related things regarding myself:
- I have the Baby Bug, 2 Expressions and an Imagine; a Gypsy, both Yudo machines (large and the cardmaker), Your Story bookbinding machine (the large one only), and several Cuttlebugs
- I've bought Provo Craft items I haven't used yet because I love the idea of what they do -- I'm addicted!!!
- I love using Design Studio with my machines as it allows me to customize/design my own images
- I love Gypsy's portability as it allows me to design on the go (however, I really don't use it much)
- I love being able to do multiple cuts for 3-D layering, and I particularly love designing my own boxes
I also must pass this award on to five (5) other special friends:
Please visit these extraordinary crafters!
So..., what am I getting ready to do now? I'm going to start preparing my DT project for Pam's blog tomorrow!!! I hope you'll all join me there for a project totally different for me to do! If you don't know Pam (and I can't imagine that), her blog website is It should be interesting!!!
Well, in between working on my project, I'll be back doing some more visiting! Of course, I didn't get around to everyone yet, but I'm looking forward to reaching out to you all over the next several days!!!
Oh, as a reminder, don't forget to keep checking back because I'm getting that blog candy package together...!!!
Thanks for stopping by, love ya, and...
I'll be seeing you!!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Hello everyone!!! I hope I'm returning finding everyone doing well, enjoying life, and happy!!!
Ouch! Is Blogger having some problems? I don't have see the beautiful faces of my followers appearing under the Blogger Followers lable on my sidebar! Is it just me?!!!
Wow, I've missed you all so very much but I've finally gotten a reprieve -- at least for a little while -- and with the time I have, I'm going to be spending much of it with you!!!! I got home last night a very tired soul but after a good night's rest I can't wait to jump in and get started. Unfortunately, I first have to go out and replenish some much needed groceries, and get a couple loads of clothing in the wash -- then I'm back here!!! You can't imagine how wonderful it feels to me not having to run in and dash out; play/craft, sleep in my own bed, cook in my own kitchen, cuddle-time with Buster, communicate with you, say goodnight to my DH every night -- at home!!! I'm going to feel like I'm on some kind of vacation!!! LOL!!!
I've missed you all so much, and although I can't expect to catch up I can't wait to see what you're up to now. To those of you who have had birthdays or other special occasions I've missed, I'm so sorry but I'd like to wish you belated but happy congratulations and hope your celebration was wonderful! For all the warm comments and prayers I've received, thank you so very much; none of them went unnoticed.
Okay, so what's on the agenda and what you can expect (and whatever else my mind can conjure up) is:
I'll be seeing you!
Ouch! Is Blogger having some problems? I don't have see the beautiful faces of my followers appearing under the Blogger Followers lable on my sidebar! Is it just me?!!!
Wow, I've missed you all so very much but I've finally gotten a reprieve -- at least for a little while -- and with the time I have, I'm going to be spending much of it with you!!!! I got home last night a very tired soul but after a good night's rest I can't wait to jump in and get started. Unfortunately, I first have to go out and replenish some much needed groceries, and get a couple loads of clothing in the wash -- then I'm back here!!! You can't imagine how wonderful it feels to me not having to run in and dash out; play/craft, sleep in my own bed, cook in my own kitchen, cuddle-time with Buster, communicate with you, say goodnight to my DH every night -- at home!!! I'm going to feel like I'm on some kind of vacation!!! LOL!!!
I've missed you all so much, and although I can't expect to catch up I can't wait to see what you're up to now. To those of you who have had birthdays or other special occasions I've missed, I'm so sorry but I'd like to wish you belated but happy congratulations and hope your celebration was wonderful! For all the warm comments and prayers I've received, thank you so very much; none of them went unnoticed.
Okay, so what's on the agenda and what you can expect (and whatever else my mind can conjure up) is:
- I'll be starting my return back later today with posting and passing on a wonderful award I received to five (5) family-friends
- Dropping in and visiting with you -- yippee!!!
- Announcing another blog candy which, as promised, will be open to everyone
- My happy return to my CRAFTING!!! That is, if I still can after all this!!!
- Preparing my DT project for Pam's blog on this Friday
- Project posts to share with you
I'll be seeing you!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Hello, everyone! I hope all's well with everyone!
I apologize for having you drop in yesterday for the drawing and not being able to get here myself. I also apologize for not being in a positiion where I was able to leave you a message or post letting you know the drawing would have to be delayed. I pride myself on being dependabe and although it was unavoidable, I hate this happened. We had somewhat of an emergency scare but, fortunately, all turned out well. I don't want to bore you with details or put a damper on your bright day, so I'll get right to the drawing instead -- you've patiently waited long enough.
To explain the drawing, I took the comments from all three (3) blog candy posts and combined them: i.e. blog candy package post #1 = 29 comments generating numbers 1 to 29; package post #2 = 17 comments generating numbers 30 to 46; and package #3 post = 21 comments generating numbers 47 to 67. This made up the total of 67 comments. The number of each comment corresponds to the person who left the comment.
The number selected by is:
I'll be back; I'll be seeing you!
I apologize for having you drop in yesterday for the drawing and not being able to get here myself. I also apologize for not being in a positiion where I was able to leave you a message or post letting you know the drawing would have to be delayed. I pride myself on being dependabe and although it was unavoidable, I hate this happened. We had somewhat of an emergency scare but, fortunately, all turned out well. I don't want to bore you with details or put a damper on your bright day, so I'll get right to the drawing instead -- you've patiently waited long enough.
To explain the drawing, I took the comments from all three (3) blog candy posts and combined them: i.e. blog candy package post #1 = 29 comments generating numbers 1 to 29; package post #2 = 17 comments generating numbers 30 to 46; and package #3 post = 21 comments generating numbers 47 to 67. This made up the total of 67 comments. The number of each comment corresponds to the person who left the comment.
The number selected by is:
Number 18 makes the winner of the blog candy rak Laurie, aka "Besthobbyeva", from Serenity Scrappers Blogspot. Laurie was the 18th commentor.
Congratulations, Laurie!!! You have until Monday, May 16 to provide me information where to send your package to. You can email me that info to: If I do not hear from you by then, you will forfeit your rak (random act of kindness), and another drawing will be held.
Hopefully, I'll be back to visiting and posting on a regular basis very soon. I am really missing you all!!! We are working at getting help /assistance because I am just about at my wits end. I'm missing MY LIFE; my home, my crafts, my friends, my hubby, Buster, and all the things that make up who I am and what I enjoy. The hubby is beginning to get a bit impatient too -- lol! He's not irritated about my helping but because he's concerned about me physically and upset because as he puts it "no one else is trying to make time to help". Of course this is not necessarily true, but I can't tell him that! Although I am okay, I really am wearing down -- I do feel it and it shows, so I can't blame him for being overly concerned -- something is going to have to give very soon! Anyway, I did say I didn't want to bore you, right? I've so much appreciated your patience, concerns and comments; just please pray for me and bare with me just a bit longer, and I'll be back with you sooner that you can blink!
I thank you all for participating in this drawing, and I'll be back with another package soon which will be open to everyone as I'd promised. I appreciate each and every one of you! Please look out for that announcement.
I'll be back; I'll be seeing you!
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hello, family-friends! Apologizing seems to be the story of my life right now, however, I truly am sorry to just be running in to say hello, wish you all the very best Mother's Day weekend, and to post the picture of the last addition to my blog candy rak before having to run back out again; I'm really on an extremely tight schedule today.
With respect to the blog candy, bringing you to date, I started with the first candy package:
The 2nd package added:
FINALLY... the 3rd package that'll grow this rak:
...along with a surprise gift
Although I am saving the surprise package as a surprise, I will say that it's packed full of goodies that are great for not only cardmaking but scrapbooking, sewing, as well as other crafts!!! Maybe the winner will share it with all of you!!!
Now, don't forget, your comments must be left on any three (3) of the posts where any or all of the blog candy packages are shown (including this post). Comments left on other posts will not be included in
Again, this rak is available to my followers only, although I will have another open blog candy package available soon to all my wonderful friends -- followers, non-followers, visitors, lurkers -- you're all my friends! Be watching for that, it's coming soon!
The winner of this rak will be selected by and announced on Monday, May 9, at 5 p.m. central time. You will have until that time to post your comments to be eligible.
Well, I wish you all a very blessed and wonderful Mother's Day weekend. So sorry I have to go but I'll be back!
Good luck on the blog candy!!!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Hello, everyone. Well, I managed to get here and over to Sheils's with my DT project for this month!
Today I have a Mother's Day "Stand-Up" Tulip Candy Cup tutorial (yep, it'll stand up all by itself ), and I'll be sharing with you today. This is really an oldie but, I think, a goodie! The last time I did this one was more than 10 years ago and I wasn't certain I'd even be able to remember it.. Here it is:
Repeat this on the other side and this is what you'll have:
Turn to the opposite end and repeat the fold to the center fold line on that end; your folds will then look like this:
Next let's fold the top half under with the points on each end coming together evenly aligned, leaving the last fold with the ends extending out on the top:
Once the sides are folded with the inside sides glued together, when you turn it up with the points at the top, you'll have this:
Today I have a Mother's Day "Stand-Up" Tulip Candy Cup tutorial (yep, it'll stand up all by itself ), and I'll be sharing with you today. This is really an oldie but, I think, a goodie! The last time I did this one was more than 10 years ago and I wasn't certain I'd even be able to remember it.. Here it is:
Before I begin, please excuse my nails! Half of my nails are broken and those that aren't look horrible!!! I'm in desperate need of a manicure but because of time/family restraints I've been under, I've been unable to have my nails tended to.
Okay, now! Because this tutorial is so picture heavy, let's get started. Materials needed:
- 1 - 4" x 4" sheet of cardstock in your choice of color (this will be used for the flower)
- 2 - 6" x 6" sheets of green cardstock (this will be for the petal stems)
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks (you can use your preferred glue; however, this gives me instant gratification -- no long drying time)
We're going to begin with the tulip flower. Take the 4" cardstock square for the flower and fold by bringing 2 of the outside points together to form a triangle:
Open the cardstock and fold the opposite side into a triangle as well; you'll have this:
Okay, now turn the cardstock upside down with the mountain folds on the bottom, valley folds on top, then fold into a rectangle:
Turn and fold the opposite side into a rectangle also and cardstock will look like this:
Next turn paper over so that mountain folds are on the bottom again. Now with the paper turned so that a triangle shape is facing you with a point at the top, grab the outside points on each side and bring them together to the center of the paper along the fold lines as shown below:
Keeping the outer-side points to the inside, bring and fold in together the top and bottom points/sections of the cardstock to form a square (this should come together easily because of the fold lines):
Next we're going to take the outer points on each side of the square (as shown below) and fold them in up to the center fold line:
Glue these folds down and then flip over and do the same on the other side. After gluing down all 4 folds, cut off just a wee-tiny bit from the tip of the bottom end that is closed (not the open end). The cut off end will create a small hole in the bottom of the tulip flower. Example below shows what it will look like with the tips glued in place and where to cut the closed tip end::
Great! Now let's open the flower by placing your fingers into the open end of the cardstock and pushing out the sides that are folded in:
The flower should now take on the form of a box as shown below (and there will be a hole in the bottom):
Now put your flower to the side and now let's begin on the the standing petal stems. Take one of the 6" cardstock squares and fold 2 outer corners to meet forming a triangle (do only this one side):
Next fold in one bottom edge to line up with the center fold line, aligning the edge along the fold line:
![]() |
Next let's fold the top half under with the points on each end coming together evenly aligned, leaving the last fold with the ends extending out on the top:
Looking at the picture below, add glue about 1/2 of the way down one side of the triangular fold and fold all sides of one side to all sides of the other side with the glue sides facing each other (i.e. you'll have the 2 insides glued together but all sides of both sides will be folded together):
Once the sides are folded with the inside sides glued together, when you turn it up with the points at the top, you'll have this:
Now, with the cardstock in the upright position as shown in the picture above, grab each of the 2 tips at the top --on in each hand -- and gently pull them outward and away from each other; it will now look like this and stand alone:
This is your first petal stem, now repeat this and complete another stem petal. Once the 2 petal stems are complete, glue them together as show below with the tips together and all the way down the side:
Okay, now grab your flower! Add glue to the hole at the bottom of the flower and place the hole of the flower over the 2 tips that have been glued together:
Now your Mother's Day "Stand-Up" Tulip Flower Candy Box is done! You can form the petals on the flowers and stem leafs by gently folding, bending, and shaping them; like this:
I used Stickles on mine to to decorate it, give it dimension and texture (and to hide the cracks in the texture paper where it was folded -- I suggest not using textured!)
Now fill it with chocolate kisses or other miniatrue candies, or whatever you like that'll fit!!!
This little box is easier than it looks, as you'll see once you complete one! And it's fun, not to mention a great last minute gift! You also also adjust the size by adding additional/decreasing inches to each square.
I hope you like my project! And should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me!
Thanks so much for stopping by! And...
I'll be seeing you!
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