Hello everyone! I am thrilled to have you visit with me and I hope you enjoy your stay. I absolutely love company, sharing, and making new friends so I hope you find something here that inspires, motivates, or just pleases you in some way.

Of course, I love to visit and be inspired also. So if I don't already drop in on you, please let me know where I can find you and I'll hop on over to see what you're doing or to just say "hi".

Before you go, I would love it if you'd please leave me a comment letting me know you dropped in! Actually, I'd just love to hear from you -- comments, opinions, or questions you'd like me to answer.

In the meantime, relax and make yourselves at home... you're family here!!!

I'll be seeing you!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Good Saturday morning, friends!!!  I hope you're all headed for a fantastic weekend!

I'd like to share some important news with you.  Through what may have been an unintentional act, Cindy McVey's files were jeopardized.  The person responsibile has apologized, and all Cindy's files and folders have been restored.  However, Cindy has posted on her blog how we can protect ourselves against "unsavory" people victimizing our efforts and the hard work we do.  Please take a moment to go to Cindy's blog, "Crazy for Crafting", and read what she has to say.  "Crazy for Crafting" can be found on my blog list on the sidebar.  I know we all thank Cindy for her generousity in sharing this information with us.

Thank you.

I'll be seeing you

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