Hello everyone! I am thrilled to have you visit with me and I hope you enjoy your stay. I absolutely love company, sharing, and making new friends so I hope you find something here that inspires, motivates, or just pleases you in some way.

Of course, I love to visit and be inspired also. So if I don't already drop in on you, please let me know where I can find you and I'll hop on over to see what you're doing or to just say "hi".

Before you go, I would love it if you'd please leave me a comment letting me know you dropped in! Actually, I'd just love to hear from you -- comments, opinions, or questions you'd like me to answer.

In the meantime, relax and make yourselves at home... you're family here!!!

I'll be seeing you!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hi, everyone!!!   Hope all's well with everyone!!!

Of course, I wouldn't dare publish your comments to possibly divert the attention of this very negative and vicious person to you or your blogs, so that's why you won't see any published comments on this post.  However, I wanted to thank each and every one of you so much for your kind and comforting words!  I am so grateful for your support and trust.  No, I don't feel hurt at all about anything this person said to or about me because they were venting -- they don't even know me.  But, yes, it was upsetting because it just came out of left field; I just didn't expect to get attacked like that and my initial reaction was shock.  Besides, I  genuinely do feel sorry for this person.  But, honestly, I really am a hard ole nut to crack!  So, don't be too worried about me -- I'm too Blessed to be stressed and I really don't easily let anyone steal my joy!  I just hated having to be forced to respond like that publicly but I had to address it, and being a coward they left me no choice as to where.  What's funny is that my dear hubby knows me so well.  When I told him about the incident his response went exactly like this, "...oh-oh!  Oh Lord, Audrey, what did you say...?"  LOL!!!  He always says I have to have the last word -- LOL!!!

Getting back to normal, guess what?  I actually made it to and from my therapy session without getting rained on -- phew!!!  And, just goes to show you can't always trust the weather, it really ended up being a beautiful day!!!

Now I'm off because I have a project I'm trying to finish up to share with you this evening.  I started it after I posted the bath teabag this morning.  I don't know why sometimes I just can't fall asleep eventhough I feel tired!  Anyway, I should be finished with the project in about 30-45 minutes ( I hope) and I'll be back.  I'm so excited for you to see it!!!

Thanks again!

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